Jesus following, natural living, Somerset homeschooling mum to Acey. Here is our blog to share with family and friends and anyone else who might be interested, about our home ed journey.

John 13:34 - ''A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.''

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

summer art

Yesterday we spent the day at Lulworth Cove with our friend David. We collected some pebbles from the beach to study when we got home through the microscope. Some had lots of interesting patterns and cracks, some were different textures, some had sand crystals on and some were white and chalky. 

Today we did some art in the sunshine - this is a painting Acey did by rubbing flowers and leaves on the paper.

and a watercolor of a tree from our garden.

Acey said that his pictures were really good and he was very proud of them.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Best classroom ever!

We love long hot summer days, and like to make the most of them. The great thing about home ed is that your classroom can be anywhere! We often take our home schooling books to the nearby lake or somewhere peaceful to learn.

Another great thing about home schooling is that you can go to the woods at night time and light a fire and not have to worry about getting up early for school and being all tired the next day

We're also making the most of elderflowers before they disappear

I think summer is finally here! :)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Singing through the day

At our homeschool, we love to sing throughout the day - it makes the day more Joyful and brings more meaning to our daily rhythym.... I thought I'd share some of the songs we sing;

Morning songs - we usually sing these when we have our special circle time in the mornings

Good Morning dear Earth,
Good Morning dear Sun
Good Morning dear Trees and flowers everyone
Good morning dear beasties and birds in the tree
Good morning to you, good morning to me

Early in the morning, hear the cockerell call
He struts about the farmyard, Good morning creatures all
He flaps his wings and sings to you
Wake up now - cockadoodle-doo 
(kids love to act out the cockerell in this one)

Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you, God for everything.

 Deep inside my heart I've got this
Everlasting love, it's shining
Like the sun it radiates
on everyone
And the more that I give, the more I've got to give
it's the way that I live, it's what I'm living for.

 Tidying up songs

We gnomes are working happily
in the forest in the forest
we gnomes are working happily
In the forest we like to be
We chop the wood, we chop the wood
We chop the wood, ho hey,
We chop the wood, we chop the wood
For a bright warm fire today

We gnomes are working happily
In our cottage in our cottage
We gnomes are working happily
In our cottage we like to be
We sweep the floor, we sweep the floor
We sweep the floor ho hey
We sweep the floor,  we sweep the floor
Spotlessly clean today

We gnomes are working happily
In our kitchen in our kitchen
we gnomes are working happily
in our kitchen we like to be.
We stir the pot, we stir the pot
We stir the pot today
We stir the pot, we stir the pot
For the best meal of the day.

Graces at mealtimes 

Oh the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The rain, the sun and the appleseed
The Lord is good to me.

Blessings on the blossom blessings on the fruit
Blessings on the leaves and stems and blessings on the root
and blessings on our meal.

For the golden corn, and the apples on the tree
For the yellow butter and the honey for our tea
For fruits and nuts and berries that grow along the way
For birds and beasts and flowers 
We thank you every day!

These are some of our favorite songs that we sing throughout the day. A lot of them you can find in a book called 'The singing day' by Candy Verney which has a CD with it so you can learn the tunes too!