Jesus following, natural living, Somerset homeschooling mum to Acey. Here is our blog to share with family and friends and anyone else who might be interested, about our home ed journey.

John 13:34 - ''A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.''

Friday, 17 May 2013

More forest school adventures!!

Today we went to a different Forest school who were running a day especially for home educators...

When we got back we realized karate wasn't on this week - but Acey designed and sewed some ninja turtle masks instead! (with no input or help from anybody)! Sewing is his latest hobby it seems...

Thursday, 16 May 2013

making charcoal

Forest school was loads of fun today - we made a paint pallet of different colors which we found in nature
Blue from bluebells
Green from grass
Brown from mud
purple from a flower
black from charcoal
orange from a stone
yellow from dandelions
Red from a leaf!

We also made charcoal by cutting logs with a special tool, putting them in a tin and burning it over the fire

We had fruit kebabs whilst we were waiting

And when the charcoal was ready we made pencils with it using elder wood.

I think charcoal is something we are going to explore further!

Afterwards Acey went to Thursday fun club at the local church where they learned first aid. 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

sewing bags

Here are two little boys sewing bags after a sleepover and followed by meeting up with other home ed friends in the park.

Here's the finished result; very neat stitches!

Optical illusions

Optical illusions and games at Taunton Home ed group
Followed by a fun filled afternoon with friends to play
and a sleepover!

Monday, 13 May 2013

New friends

The awesome thing about Facebook is that you can use it to network with like minded people. This evening some home educating friends from Wales came to visit us...
very privileged!

Lots of fun!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Making puppets

We are easing our way into the subject of History gently by learning the history of fairy tales. I love fairy tales and think that they are such an important part of making childhood magical. We have Scottish blood, so I am drawn to Celtic and Norse mythology. Acey had this book of Celtic fairy tales from his Nanna and it is our favorite, it is so beautifully written and illustrated..

We are beginning with the well known story of Rumplestiltskin, we have been reading the storybook together for a couple of weeks, and decided to do a puppet show. We designed what we wanted our puppets to look like and today Acey made his out of felt. He really enjoyed sewing it together. Here is the princess...

When we've finished the puppets we will look more into the history of the story, have a go at using a spinning wheel etc! 

Sunday, 5 May 2013


We took a trip to the donkey sanctuary with our friend David :) it was so much fun!