But as a single parent home educating, where does this leave me? When I first heard that when Acey turns five in just under a year I will have to start looking for a job I really began to panic, thinking 'Oh no, I'm going to have to send him to school.' For me the most important thing in the world is bringing my child up how I want, giving him all of my love and attention. I weighed up the options;
- Find a rich man to marry
- Have another baby
- Move to a commune
- Move to Sweden (I think it is Sweden, where they recognize the importance of letting children be children and don't send them to school until they're seven or eight)
So anyway, yesterday Acey and I went to a 'Somerset mother's circle' meet in Glastonbury, and met lots of other lovely children and their mammas who think like us. It was definetly what was needed as it is so great to meet other like-minded people who don't question the way you bring up your child when you do things a bit differently :) And I've noticed this before when being around other home-educated children, that there is a real sense of proper playfulness and freedom - just how young children should be! It really just confirmed that what I'm doing is so right for me and Acey. I love being his mamma.
Lastly, I just want to reccomend this book for other mums intersted in bringing their kids up holistically which I think is great - it's by Shazzie who is a huuge raw food guru: http://www.shazzie.com/ although it's not just about raw food, it mentions home edding, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, natural birthing etc and it's called 'Evie's kitchen.' I'll finish quoting a bit from the end of her book written by Kate Magic which really spoke out to me;
''In a culture that values career over family, losing weight over breastfeeding and making money over spreading love, holistic parenting takes ridiculous amounts of guts, determination, focus and compassion.''
Lots of love, and pumpkin soup xxxxx